Net operation income (NOI)
Training, Coaching & Consulting
Net Operating Income (NOI) is the single best indicator or metric of overall performance for income producing real estate. Rich George has made improving NOI through training, coaching and consulting his singular goal. The personal mission of Rich George, The NOI Coach is to be the most credible resource in residential property management and investments.
At NOI Coach, we deliver robust business training, coaching and consulting solutions centered around growing NOI and your bottom line. As an organization, NOI Coach can provide unique training opportunities, exceptional coaching and mentoring solutions, robust online learning, complete operational policy sets, workflow, and process improvements, as well as guidance to improve the NOI and the value of your organization as well as your assets.
There is an old truism that reads…”If you keep doing what you’ve been doing you’ll keep getting what you’ve been getting”.
Most owners, managers, and supervisors do not tap the full potential of their workforce. NOI Coach delivers on the promise of providing high performance solutions. With our extensive portfolio of products and services, we tailor the solution to fix the problem.

9 Minutes to Success


Meet your noi coach
richard George
A successful business person and published author with over 30 years of experience, Rich brings a no-nonsense approach to strategic planning and a passion for employee development and culture building.
Rich’s “no-nonsense” approach to problem solving has helped companies accomplish their goals, as well as turnaround seriously distressed properties.
Known for his team building, culture changing, and change management skills, Rich leads the market in promotion and preservation.
The Discomfort Zone
Finding comfort within the Discomfort Zone can be overwhelming at first and so satisfying on the other side. Growth happens just outside of your comfort zone. Don’t let the comfort zone destroy your opportunities for growth and success. Life begins at the edge of our comfort zone.

Get started with a free consultation
Book a complimentary 30 minute discovery call with NOI Coach Rich George